The name of our secondary school in Kemi is Kemin lyseon lukio. It was founded in 1897 so it is 117 years old. Nowadays we have about 350 students who are 16-19 years old and the studies take three years. We have also 30 teachers. Students are independent and they can choose whatever subjects they want to study. We have opportunity to study many languages like English, Spanish, German etc. Kemin lyseon lukio is one of the oldest secondary schools in northern Finland and the only one in Kemi. 
The final goal for the students is the national matriculation examination. It’s the end of the studies at the senior secondary school. After you graduate from senior secondary school you can go study at universities or polytechnics. 
Our secondary school gives us a gateway to the academic studies at universities or polytechnics. But our school also encourages its students to think critically and to adapt the idea of lifelong learning. It’s not just preparing for further education. 
We have many fun events in our secondary school. For example when we are in the second class we have a dance party in February. We have the dance party because the third class will go out of the school because they have a reading holiday. They have to prepare for the national matriculation examination. So because they go to the reading holiday the second class will be the oldest one in our school. The second class celebrates that by dancing in primary school, in our secondary school and in the evening they will dance in hall to everyone. We call that day a princess day because girls have a princess dress and they look like barbies. And boys are handsome when they wear suits.